Here are a few ways that can help your child make school work fun and help them remember things better and more effectively
Acronyms are a good way of remembering vital information. They are defined as words created by using the first letter of each given word. For example- VIBGYOR that stands for the colors of the rainbow, or BODMAS for remember the order of operation to solve a mathematical expression.
Acronyms can be used as sentences. For example- My (Mercury) very(Venus) elegant(Earth) mother(Mars) just(Jupiter) served (Saturn) us (Uranus) noodles(Neptune). Acronyms make memorising lists and groups of terms easier.
Visual Association
Associating images with words or concepts is a tried and tested method that help the kids remember them easily. The catch is to making these pictures clear, funny, and exaggerated. You can also turn these associations into stories if there are many words to be remembered. Make sure that your kids understand the content. They are not likely to get any marks for writing the associated words on the test.
Memory is a muscle. Use these 2 techniques to develop and hone your kid’s memory skills. It’s bound to help him in his personal and professional life now and in the future.
To know more about parenting techniques, speak to one of our doctors. Dial 0129-4040404 or click on ‘Speak to a Doctor’ in the Jiva Health App.