If weight gain is caused by the food that we eat, it stands to reason that the right kind of food can also help in weight loss. Here are 3 foods that have the ability to melt fat and bring you one step closer to your goal of losing weight.
Ayurvedic properties: Dipan, Pachan and Pittashamak
Lemons are known to improve digestion and boost your metabolism, facilitating weight loss.
Add lemon rind to your salads along with lemon juice
Every morning, drink lemon juice and honey mixed to warm water
Never drink lemon juice in concentrated form – it can lead to decay of tooth enamel
Do not drink more than 3 cups of lemon juice every day
Ayurvedic properties; Dipan, pachan,vatanuloman, shothhar, vedanastapak and kaphaghna
Ginger is a strong carminative. It relieves flatulence and reduces bloating. It also fixes indigestion and boosts the metabolism.
Add ginger to your dals and curries
Have honey and ginger tea throughout the day
Mix dry ginger powder honey and have it once a day
You can also mix ginger juice to honey and lemon water as part of your morning ritual
Ayurvedic properties: Dipan, pachan, vatanuloman, krimighna, kaphaghna, raktoutkleshak
Garlic acts on vat and kapha, which are responsible for weight gain. It also improves digestion and metabolises sugar fast. It is also carminative and antihelminthic in nature
Crush garlic cloves and keep aside for 10-15 minutes
Now add to your chutneys, sauces, and curries.
Eat raw garlic with honey every day on empty stomach
For more advice on weight management, contact a Jiva doctor today. Dial 0129-4040404 or click on ‘Speak to a Doctor’ under the CONNECT tab in Jiva Health App.
To Know more , talk to a Jiva doctor. Dial 0129-4264323 or click on Our Doctors.
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