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4 Early Signs of Diabetes As Per Ayurveda

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Isn't it true, that the moment you hear the word ‘Sugar’, all of a sudden tension and anxiety seep in? But what if we tell you that the ancient science of Ayurveda, offers you the ability to predict and comprehend the early signs of Diabetes?

In this blog, we will discuss 4 such early signs of Diabetes, as mentioned in the scriptures of Ayurveda. Do note, that these indicators are just a few possible symptoms of Diabetes disorder and if you can relate to any of these, don’t hold back. As early mitigation, you should head to a certified Ayurveda doctor and get treatment accordingly.

With that being said, let’s dive into the 4 early signs of Diabetes as per Ayurveda.

Symptom #1 : Are you frequently urinating?
The first and the most significant early sign of Diabetes and high blood sugar is the urge to frequently urinate. As per Ayurveda, every disorder in the human body is an imbalance in the doshic states. It is crucial to understand why the body starts to produce excess sugar and what happens with that excess sugar inside our body thereafter.

First things first, Ayurveda suggest that the excess sugar is produced because of the following possible key factors:   

Imbalance in Pitta and Kapha doshas 

It has been noted that sluggish digestion leads to the creation of Ama i.e. toxins which further disrupt the metabolism of sugar. And aggravation of Kapha has been noted to be the reason for sluggish digestion due to Kapha being associated with water and earth elements. 

Likewise, Pitta dosha also has a role to play in metabolism, so to speak. However, an imbalance can very well lead to an increase in the fire element, thereby causing excessive heat and leading to bloating and acidity quite frequently. All of this is primarily because of the poor metabolism of sugar. 

Improper Diet & Lifestyle  

Ayurveda is a complete science, which takes the human body very seriously, as a complete system that can very well recuperate and protect itself, provided worked with it accordingly. It goes beyond medicines to heal the condition from the very root rather than seeking symptomatic relief.

That being said, Ayurveda considers diet and lifestyle adjustments a key part of holistic healing. A balanced diet is considered a key to balancing the doshas, because our diet is the main source of nourishment for the body, before medicines, before vaccines, and definitely before surgeries and invasive procedures. 

Anyone who practices Ayurveda or has an idea of how Ayurveda approaches the human body and healing knows the value of maintaining a good digestive fire, commonly referred to as achieving good gut health. This is important because digestive fire is directly connected to a human being’s immunity. By following a nourishing diet, as suggested by a certified Ayurveda doctor or certified Ayurveda dietician, you can very well balance out the doshas and maintain a healthy symphony among them, to effectively counter Diabetes and comorbidity. 

Stress, Anxiety And Tension Can Aggravate Blood Sugar Spikes & Drops 

Another important factor, often underestimated is stress and anxiety. You must understand that diabetes is a lifestyle condition, primarily attacking your immunity due to ignorance, lack of self-care and a balanced and healthy daily routine including your food, workout regime, well-being regime and other recreational habits. So make sure to cultivate a good sleep cycle so that you feel recharged the next day and your hormones get a chance to balance themselves when the body is in the sleep state. And be mindful of chronic stress and the factors leading to it. 

Now let us take a moment to understand what are the factors behind the improper dissolution of blood sugar. 

We have already talked about Ama accumulation causing issues with the breakdown of carbohydrates, leading to improper absorption of sugar, eventually lingering in the bloodstream.
We also discussed that a poor digestive agni can also lead to the improper dissolution of blood sugar. The third and final point is the reduction in the insulin sensitivity of our body. When cells in the human body become less responsive to insulin, absorption of blood sugar becomes highly difficult, thus causing spikes in the levels.

Symptom #2 : Do you feel too thirsty, lately?

To put it in simplest terms, high blood sugar makes our kidneys overwork and take extra effort to flush out the excess sugar. To do so, the kidneys pull in extra water from the tissues to be able to dilute the sugar content and flush it out through urine. This essentially leads to dehydration and thus you feel quite thirsty. 

Here’s the thing, your kidney is the main filter in your body for fluids. It is constantly removing waste from the blood. So when the sugar spikes in the blood, the kidneys go full throttle overdrive mode and try their best to remove as much sugar from the blood as possible through urine.    

Symptom #3 : Are you a victim of sudden weight loss (type 1 diabetes indicator)?

It has been usually noted in people suffering from Type 1 diabetes that they undergo sudden weight loss. This is primarily because the body is unable to address the glucose content in the bloodstream. Since insulin is unable to break the glucose, the body starts to break down muscle tissues and fat instead, to produce energy and thus the dramatic and unintentional weight transformation. 

Symptom #4 : Do you notice discolouration or a sweet smell in the urine?

One of the key early indicators of high sugar or Diabetes is changes in urine, be it smell, or its colour. No wonder Diabetes in Hindi is commonly denoted as Madhumeh where Madhu translates to honey, connoting the sweetness associated with Diabetes and Meh translates to urine, suggesting a disorder in the urinary system. This is a classic early indication of Diabetes as per Ayurveda. Likewise, the imbalance in the sugar levels can also lead to excessively foamy urine, as well as cloudy urine. Either of these can arise due to an imbalance in Vata dosha and Ama accumulation respectively.

Do watch out for these early signs of Diabetes. If you identify these symptoms, do not think twice about setting up a consultation with the best-certified Ayurveda doctors at Jiva Ayurveda, specialising in Diabetes treatment through precision Ayurveda care.

To Know more , talk to a Jiva doctor. Dial 0129-4264323 or click on Our Doctors.



Ayurveda, Fundamentals of Ayurveda, Ayurveda Principals, Ayurveda Philosophy, Prakriti, doshas, Vata, Pitta, Kapha, Body constitution, diabetes management, frequent urination, early signs, symptoms of diabetes

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