Make these four simple commitments and you will see positive changes in your body weight.
Practice twenty-one minutes of yoga every morning
Yoga is a powerful practice that benefits the body, mind, and the soul. If you’re new to yoga, a simple series of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations) is a great way to start. This practice is dynamic, rhythmic, and flowing, all of which oppose the properties of Kapha and helps in bringing your body weight to a optimum level.
Eat three satisfying meals daily
In the Ayurvedic tradition, digestive fire, transformation, and digestion are intricately linked. Eating three healthy, easy-to-digest meals each day without snacking in between strikes the necessary balance. It ensures that the digestive fire is adequately stimulated and encourages it to grow stronger. Remember not to overeat or eat when you are not hungry.
Follow a kapha-pacifying diet
Eating a kapha-pacifying diet helps to clear excess Kapha from the system and can support the body in achieving a more balanced weight while improving overall health. If you do not know what you should include in your Kapha-balancing diet, talk to a Jiva doctor today.
Exercise at least thrice a week
This commitment is in addition to your daily yoga practice. Ayurveda tells us the Kapha times of day (approximately 6 to 10 a.m./p.m.) lend a little extra strength and stamina to the system. Indulge in activities that are invigorating, doable, and fun for you such as cycling, jogging, swimming at the Kapha times of the day.
For treatment of obesity or for tips on weight management, talk to a Jiva doctor today. Click on ‘Speak to a doctor’ on the CONNECT tab or dial 0129-4040404 from a mobile phone and landline.