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5 Ayurvedic Datoon (Twigs) For Healthy Teeth and Gums

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Brushing teeth and cleaning the tongue are parts of Ayurvedic Dincharya (daily routine) that prevents dental and oral problems. Ayurveda recommends using twigs of certain trees for the purpose of brushing, here are 5 of the most common ones.


Neem is antibacterial and actively prevents plaque formation, bad breathe and cavities. The bitter taste cleanses your pallet and improves the sensitivity of taste buds.


Active ingredients in Babool (Acacia) prevents gum problems and mouth ulcers. It is antifungal and antimicrobial, which prevents growth of microbes in the dental cavities.


Mouth sores and infections can damage the function of taste buds and prevent secretion of digestive juices. Bael prevents as well heals mouth infections. It is also effective in decongesting the throat and removes phlegm.


Jamun detoxifies the oral cavity. It is also rich in Vitamins A & C and is an anti-carcinogenic. Regular use of Jamun datuun reduces the risk of oral cancer.


Mulethi (liquorice) reduces the growth of bacteria and lowers the risk of tooth decay. You can also soak Mulethi in water overnight and use the water to gargle. This will clear the throat and prevent infections.

Steps for using a Datoon:

Step 1:

Wash the twig with water and chew on one end to bring out the juices. Swirl around your mouth and spit it out.

Step 2:

With the softened end, gently brush your teeth, taking care not to hurt your gums. You can chew on the twig in between and spit out.

Step 3:

When you have completed brushing, split the daatun in two and carefully scrape your tongue. Wash and gurgle with water.

Step 4:

Follow it with Oil Pulling (Kavala). You can use sesame oil. Swirl the oil in your mouth for 1 minute and spit out. Do this three times.

Keep your teeth and mouth healthy with Ayurveda. For personalized treatment and medicines for oral and dental problems, call 0129-4040404 to talk to a Jiva doctor today.

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