The diet and lifestyle of a menstruating woman has a direct influence on her overall health and can influence her future pregnancies and sexual health. Therefore, Ayurveda recommends a set of guidelines to follow during this period.
Habishya Diet:
During the period of three days, avoid eating anything other than fruits and cooked vegetables without spices. This is known as Habishya diet. Spices may upset your gut that is probably already bloated.
Ayurveda advices sexual abstinence, Brahmacharini, during menses. Avoid sex during this period. You may experience an increased libido during, but engaging in sex may lead to long term sexual health problems.
Total Rest:
Traditionally, Ayurveda recommends that a women in her menses should rest on a comfortable mat made of soft Kusha (Darbha/Durva) grass. Avoid all household activities like cooking or cleaning for three days and allow the body to rest. If you are a working mum, you will have to find the right balance between rest and responsibilities.
Emotional Control:
Excessive laughter, shedding tears, excessive talk or heavy make-up should be avoided. These can affect the quality of Beeja (ovum) and could influence the health of children born of future pregnancies.
After following the above guidelines for three days, you should cleanse yourself physically and emotionally. Wear fresh clothes after bath and say your daily prayers. Consume a meal of nutritious grains and fruits and gradually ease into your usual lifestyle.
Have menstrual problems? Ayurveda provides personalized treatment and medicines. Call 0129-4040404 to talk to a Jiva doctor today.