Should you start out on an insulin course immediately? Your doctor may say YES, but there is no harm in trying out these essential herbs that can help control blood glucose levels.
Gymnema Sylvestre – Gurmar – Madhunashini – Insulin Plant
You see that there are different names for this wonderful herb found in the tropical forests of Central and South India. An important part of ancient Indian medicine since the 6th Century BCE, Gurmar is one of the most powerful herbs that help in treating sugar diabetes. The leaves of this herb are the most potent in rejuvenating the Beta cells in the pancreas. Hence, it is beneficial to both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes patients.
Cinnamon – Daalchini
Cinnamon is an important ingredient in the Pulaos and Biriyanis. However, cinnamon has medicinal benefits as well. It has a positive effect on the glycaemic control and the lipid profile in Type 2 diabetes patients. This herb can improve insulin sensitivity and control blood glucose levels.
Curry Leaves – Kadipatta
This is the most humble ingredient you can ever find in the vegetable market. Almost all the vendors give a handful of curry leaves free with every vegetable purchase you make in the local market. The curry leaves can help stabilize glucose levels and have an impact on your carbohydrate metabolism. These leaves can also boost the functioning of the pancreas and thus improve insulin production.
Ginger – Adrak
Ginger is one of the strongest herbs you can have to aid in the digestion process. You can have it as an important ingredient of your tea as well. Ginger has the power to soothe your stomach and normalize blood sugar levels. This herb is one of the best ones to provide relief from hyperglycaemia. Usually, you find diabetes patients suffering from acid reflux. Ginger has the ability to provide immediate relief to the entire digestive track.
Turmeric – Haldi
It would be impossible to find any Indian dish without the use of turmeric. Turmeric is well known for its antiseptic, antibacterial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. All these properties are necessary to keep a strict check on your blood sugar levels.
We have seen 5 simple but essential herbs that can help in controlling blood sugar. The best part of it all is that they are easily available.