Basil or Tulsi:
A sacred herb in Ayurveda, Tulsi has wonderful healing properties and is considered one of the best herbs to treat blackheads and pimples. All one needs to do is crush some Tulsi leaves and massage the juice on face including over the areas of blackheads and pimples. Let the face absorb the juice and rinse off your face after 15 minutes. This works wonders for skin rejuvenation.
Application of a few drops of honey over the affected area with repeated use gives the best results. As per Ayurveda, Honey has some numerous skin benefits and is a miraculous natural ingredient in treating such skin disorder.
Turmeric is a natural source of anti-fungal and antibacterial contents that helps in prevention of bacterial breakouts that usually results in pimples. It is also rich in anti-oxidant properties beneficial for skin rejuvenation and skin care. Application of turmeric paste with finely mixed turmeric powered and water or honey and quickly cure your skin disorder while leaving you with a clear skin.
Neem Leaves:
The perfect treatment for skin disorders as per Ayurveda, applying neem paste over the affected area can help you in curing such condition. One can make neem paste by crushing 10 neem leaves and boiling it for 10 minutes.
Rich in acidic content, lemon juice fights acne and blackheads while leaving your skin clean and clear. Applying lemon juice over the pimples and massaging around the blackheads can effectively protect you from such condition.