It is a belief widely held that learning is the most effective when it integrates at even one of the five senses. And the more authentic the learning, the deeper the understanding of the subject, and the longer it stays with us.
Here are some ways in which you can engage your child’s senses:
1. Smell:
Let them play in the grass, smell the flowers, and take in the refreshing beauty of nature. Light scented candles at home, ask which fragrance they prefer. Ask them to enjoy the good smell of food, before they eat.
2. Touch:
Get your kids to play with clay, by moulding it into different shapes. Keep a variety of materials at hand for them to touch and explore, like a bean bag or a plush toy.
3. Sound:
To develop their sense of sound, have them take music classes. Other things you can do are playing listening games, reciting nursery rhymes, and even learning a new language.
4. Sight:
Ask them to paint, draw, or describe all that they observe around themselves in a day. Let them choose the subject of their painting and include different mediums in their artwork, like finger painting, vegetable painting, and watercolours.
5. Taste:
The simplest way to develop a child’s sense of taste is to get him to make simple snacks and food with you. Also, introduce different flavours of food from around the world to him.
Even though you have limited control over what your kid learns in school, you can positively influence their life by understanding that education doesn’t start and end in a classroom. It can extend beyond it in ways that your kids will love and will also allow for a deeper bond to grow between you.