Amla is digestible, diuretic, and natural blood purifier which aids in skin rejuvenation and proper digestion. It helps in diarrhea, gonorrhea, combustion, jaundice, pyrosis, eruption, paleness, constipation, indigestion, nausea, gout, cough and breath-related diseases.
Health and Skin Benefits of Amla:
Take 100 grams of
and mix with 10 grams of jaggery (gud) to form a decoction. Drink it regularly though each time in small quantity to get relief from aches, blood biles, dysuria and other diseases. -
Fresh fruit jam, in the morning empty stomach, if taken gives relief in biliary diseases. If there is any cut of the knife or wound on skin, apply fresh juice of Amla immediately for instant relief.
It improves weak eyesight, myopia, hypermetropia, and other eye-related diseases. For this, drink freshly prepared Amla juice every morning.
For nose bleeding, crush Jamun (syzygium cumini), mango and Amla to make a thick paste. Apply it directly on the forehead. It immediately stops the nose bleeding.
Take 10-20 grams of
juice, 2-3 grams of pepper and take the mix with 2 spoons of honey, twice a day. It treats hiccups. -
Immature graying of hair can also be cured by washing hair with amla powder. A finely prepared hair mask of Amla, Shikakai, and Fenugreek Seeds can directly be applied and thoroughly washed afterward. This brings back shine, and black lustre of hair.
Try Jiva Amla juice for all the benefits of raw amla. Take 30 ml of Jiva Amla juice twice on an empty stomach.