Apart from the obvious physical strength from all the running around, there are several other benefits of play:
Play fosters interpersonal skills and teaches children how to build relationships - a trait that is necessary in adults to be successful.
By playing with kids their own age, your children will learn to be patient and fair when they’re playing. They will also discover the joy of sharing their toys with their friends.
Certain activities improves language skills in children. Games where they have to engage in storytelling, or form words with names of places, animals, or things can boost a child’s vocabulary and teach him / her proper spelling.
Children also become smarter when they play. Puzzles, chess, and other educational games are a great way for children to develop their brains while having fun.
It is a no-brainer that play makes children creative. Building things like houses, forts and ships develops their artistic inclinations, as they have to come up with new and fun designs.
Play also improves a child’s problem-solving skills by challenging their cognitive faculty. Games where they have to figure out puzzle pieces and understand which shape fits in which place helps them become incisive.
Given all the benefits we’ve outlined above, you should allow your child to have an adequate amount of play time. Don’t think of it as an unproductive activity or a waste of time. Meaningful and productive activities help them learn, adapt, and evolve. In fact, children aren’t the only ones who need play. Adults could also do with it as it helps them relieve stress and improve their physical, mental and social health. So spend some fun time with your child, and both of you can enjoy the goodness that playing brings to your life.