Imbalance of Vata dosha creates blockage in the body which leads to diseases like Arthritis. Aloe vera is vata-balancing in nature, hence it is recommended in Ayurveda to people suffering from joint pains.
Arthritis is a disorder that results from inflammation of joints and the tissues surrounding such joints and causes swelling, stiffness, joint pain and soreness. Aloe Vera is an Ayurvedic plant that work wonders in relieving joint pain.
If you are troubled by joint pain, try Aloe vera juice, here are three reasons that you need to know:
Researches show that when consumed orally, Aloe Vera can be used in the treatment of Osteoarthritis or knee pain. This is due to the anti-inflammatory properties that can create a preventive effect on the cells that produce inflammation while providing prompt relief to the patient.
Aloe Vera is a rich substance of anti-oxidants like Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Flavonoids, Tannins, and Carotenoids. Such vitamins present in Aloe Vera reduce the stiffness and soreness around the affected joints, thus making mobility of the patients easier.
Natural detoxifying properties present in Aloe Vera cleanse the circulatory system and digestive system of the toxic wastes. This pacifies the Vata Dosha which as per the Ayurveda is the reason for occurrence of Joint Pain and thus providing relief to the pain. Aloe Vera also has nutritional values in abundance which increases the body’s ability to fight infections and other diseases and thus, strengthening the immunity system of the body.
Apart from treating joint pain, Aloe Vera also implies widespread use in treating various diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, treating burns and healing wounds. You can try Jiva Ayurveda Aloe Vera Juice.
To Know more , talk to a Jiva doctor. Dial 0129-4040404 or click on Our Doctors.
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