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Are Millennials the Most Stressed Out Generation Ever? (Especially This March!)

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If we were to redefine the word ‘millennials’, it would read something like this:



Plural Noun: Millennials

Most Stressed Out Generation Ever!

By the way, we are not the only ones to think so. A survey carried out by the American Journal of Psychology found that the most common cause of stress was money, followed closely by work pressure, family responsibilities and health concerns.

The Causes Behind So Much Stress According to experts, the generation before us had similar work pressures and worried as much about money as we do, but they were under much less stress. This was because they were mostly free of the wasteful lifestyle choices (and some compulsions) we have picked up in recent times. Here are 5 of the biggest causes for rising stress levels.

1. Tax worries As if money worries were not enough, March is also tax season! No one in the upper millennial age range (18-34) can escape the March madness (read: income tax rush). This means you’ve got to scramble to find investment receipts and plead with the accountants to accept your house rent slips as legitimate proof. And if you cannot get everything in order and please the Tax Gods, get ready for salary deductions - isn’t that rough? Thinking of salary deductions is enough to sag your mood for months at end. One way to avoid that altogether is to plan investments and arrange documents well ahead of tax season.

2. The Negatively Psyche-d Company We Keep Humans are social. We like to share our emotions and internal feelings – positive or negative – and for ages this was thought to be very effective. Sharing your sadness helps in lifting your mood. But experts say that being in constant contact with anxious people can make it difficult for you yourself to get out of anxiety, stress, depression and overall negativity. Try not to spend time brooding over your concerns – move on and be happy.

3. Too much caffeine Reaching out for your favourite cuppa (with artificial sweeteners, creamers and spices) when you are stressed is the easiest thing to do, but did you know that too much caffeine causes even more stress? Coffee or tea may give the feeling of temporary relief but in the long term, this does more harm than good. So next time you’re tempted to order that steaming cup of caffeine, opt for a glass of juice or plain water, not regular tea or coffee!

4. Bad diet and poor sleep Studies have shown that the biggest contributor to stress in millennials is inadequate sleep. With an abundance of technology and devices around ready to suck you into a digital vortex, how will you ever get some decent shut-eye? Millennials also have such tight schedules, that breakfast has gone from being the most important to the most skipped meal of the day. Your mothers know what they are saying when they yell at you for sweeping past the breakfast spread with just an apple in hand. We all know that needs to change, but, oh well. Adults need 7-9 hours of restful sleep every night, and it starts by putting your mobile phone and laptop far from your bedside. Breakfast sets the tone and energy of your day, make sure not to skip it.

5. Exams! One teeny, tiny, irritating fraction in your final score can either leave you an average guy/girl or catapult you into your dream world of success and ambition. Your child (or you) could be under a lot of stress to get good marks, help them overcome the stress. Marks are important, but how you handle the stress during this March madness, will determine how you make a mark now and in the future.

To Know more , talk to a Jiva doctor. Dial 0129-4264323 or click on Our Doctors.



Milennials, stress, generation

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