Follow a Kapha pacifying diet
A diet that aggravates Kapha leads to the formation of mucus in the body, which in turn can trigger Asthma attack or intensify the severity of the condition. To pacify Kapha, avoid milk and milk products, like cheese, curd, or paneer. Use pungent spices, like pepper, ginger, and mustard while cooking and include sweet elements like honey in your food. Light fruits like apples and pears are recommended, but avoid having heavy fruits like bananas, pineapple, and melons.
Avoid foods that cause flare ups
Asthmatics should avoid sour food as it increases the risk of Asthma attack. Deep fried and processed foods with preservatives are a no-no since they make your body feel heavy and can lead to wheezing. Also, do not overeat. Having a light dinner is the key to solving Asthma problems.
Drink warm water
Boil a cup of water and allow it to cool until it’s lukewarm. To this add crushed ginger or a pinch of black pepper. Drink this twice a day - once in the morning as soon as you wake up and once at night before retiring to bed. This will melt the phlegm that's built up in the respiratory pipes and decrease the number of Asthma attacks you have.
Don’t sleep immediately after having dinner
The duration between your last meal and your bedtime should be at least 2 to 3 hours. This gives the body enough time to digest the food and you won’t have to sleep on a heavy stomach. In case you can’t give 2-3 hours as a cool off time after dinner, wait for at least an hour before you go to bed.
Managing Asthma is a tricky thing. You never know what can set off an attack. While a course of medicines does help, a healthy lifestyle plays a huge part in keeping breathing troubles at bay. Once you make the changes we’ve recommended above, you’ll notice a big difference in the quality of your life.