According to Ayurveda, a perfect and wholesome meal is one that balances all six rasas (sweet, sour, salty, bitter, astringent, pungent). It is such a meal that balances the rasas and is cooked over a light flame that is full of pranic vibrations (Life force).
An important part of understanding how to choose the combination of rasas is to know how each rasa affects your doshas (vata, pitta and kapha).
It balances vata and pitta and aggravates kapha. This taste is naturally found in foods like rice, milk, basil, dates and cashews.
It balances vata and aggravates pitta and kapha. It is naturally found in tomatoes, lemons, and cheese.
It balances vata and aggravates pitta and kapha. It is naturally found in salt. Other than that, it is found in celery and seaweed.
It balances kapha while aggravating pitta and vata. It is found in many herbs and spices, like ginger, chilies and onion.
It balances pitta and kapha, and aggravates vata. This taste is naturally found in coffee, turmeric and dandelion.
It balances pitta and kapha while aggravating vata. It is found in pomegranate, chickpeas and parsley.
Ayurveda advises that the ideal diet should balance all the 6 rasas in a way that all the doshas are pacified and not aggravated.
To Know more , talk to a Jiva doctor. Dial 0129-4040404 or click on Our Doctors.
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