A few changes in diet and lifestyle are strongly recommended to overcome these problems such as:
Spicy, sour and oily foods must be avoided
Keeping away from packaged food
Water intake must be increased as per the body weight
Herbal soaps should be used to wash face frequently
Irritant cosmetics should be kept at bay
Acne lesions must be left untouched
The following remedies can also be followed:
½ a teaspoon of the powdered mixture of fennel, coriander seeds, basil, and Indian gooseberry and turmeric can be taken 15 minutes before lunch and dinner.
1 teaspoon of powdered Indian gooseberry can be taken every morning with water.
A teaspoon of coriander juice with a dash of turmeric powder can also be taken twice a day.
These ayurvedic remedies are sure to provide a long-lasting effect from the most dreaded skin problem faced by most individuals, especially the adolescents.
Acne is caused due to clogging of pores due to excess oil produced by our own hormones. However, the best cure for this harsh condition is to avoid synthetic cosmetics and going all natural with Ayurveda which is cost-effective, safe and easier to incorporate in our daily life.