The beetroot is a unique vegetable in the sense that the natural sugars present in beetroot do not convert into glucose quickly. They are also very low on the carbohydrate content. In addition, they are one of the most fibrous of all vegetables. Beetroots have vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients – all these ingredients are necessary to control blood sugar levels and fight diabetes. On the antioxidant front, beetroot has Lipoic acid that can help protect the cells from ageing.
Pumpkin Seeds:
Normally, what do you do with the pumpkin seeds after cutting up the pumpkin for preparing your vegetables? You throw it away. Do you know that these seeds have the ability to fight your cravings for fatty and sugary foods? These seeds are rich in iron content. Therefore, they have the power to suppress your appetite. Controlling your food intake is important for diabetic patients. This superfood can help you in this regard.
Whole grains:
It is necessary to eat fibrous food that slows down the digestion process thereby preventing the blood sugar from spiking irrationally. The best foods in this category are whole grains like barley and oats. In addition, consuming such whole grains prevents purring on weight. Obesity is also a big risk factor as far as diabetes is concerned. These grains are excellent sources of iron minerals and Vitamin B.
No Indian dish is complete without the use of turmeric. Turmeric has great significance in Ayurveda because of its ability to stimulate and regulate the functions of the pancreas. This helps in balancing the insulin levels in the body. Turmeric is the most effective herb in controlling various diseases.
Don’t just focus on controlling your sugar level. Unless the root-cause of the problem is treated you are at the risk of organ failure. Talk to an Ayurvedic doctor today.