According to the science of Ayurveda, out of three vital Doshas of our body, Vata and Pitta get localized in the hair pores in the scalp region in aggravated condition. This condition obstructs micro-channels (Sleshma and Shonita)to supply nutrients to the hair follicle, which results in falling of tufts of hair in that particular region and also preventing further regrowth of hair that leaves a bald patch.
Ayurvedic treatment
Since Doshas block the hair pores; the first step is to remove the blockage in order to promote regeneration of hair. Followed by external application to enhance hair growth, that includes herbal oil massage and ayurvedic medicines. The aim of the whole process is to reduce Pitta Dosha by purification of the body, according to the severity of the condition.
Applying Bhringraj oil on the scalp is very effective in controlling excessive hair loss. It improves the blood circulation to the hair follicles and promotes hair growth.
Ayurveda also recommends Indian gooseberry for its cooling effect to treat Pitta Dosha. Rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, Amla is an essential addition to your diet you are experiencing excessive hair loss. Jiva Amla Hair Oil made with extracts of amla, almond, jasmine, and jape provides nourishment to the hair and reduces heat from the head region.
Aloe Vera has been used for ages to promote hair growth. It is thought to be an instrument to arrest hair fall and is highly efficient in the case of Indralupta. A natural anti-oxidant and blood purifier, you can take 10-15 ml Aloe Vera to cleanse the channels of your body internally as well as strengthens the immune system.