A chronic disease, diabetes occurs when insulin—blood sugar regulating hormone—is not effectively utilized by our body or when pancreas doesn't produce enough insulin. High levels of blood sugar can lead to frequent urination, heart attacks, impotence, infections and kidney failure. Sometimes, the problem runs in families and sometimes, people continue to live in ignorance making diagnosis difficult. But do you know the real reason behind the disease?
Diabetes can be caused due to family history or genetic make-up. If you are lucky not to have any of these then your lifestyle can put you at high risk. Do you regularly exercise, run or walk? Do you eat healthily, sleep on time and know well how to manage stress? Diabetes is a lifelong disease without a complete cure but it can be managed by following some simple tips. Here’s how:
Make it a routine to be physically active. It boosts blood circulation, improves digestion, keeps the muscles flexible and maintains body weight.
Avoid smoking and taking alcohol as they can have serious effect on cardiovascular health.
Take a healthy diet low on sugar and high on antioxidant properties. Regular intake of amla juice and karela juice clear blood impurities and normalize cholesterol level.
Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, fibre and complex carbohydrates. Avoid refined carbs and processed foods like chips, bread, cakes, cheese and biscuits, as they are difficult to digest.
Ginger and cinnamon improve blood sugar levels while nuts lower cholesterol and control fats.
Jiva Diabetes Care Pack can be helpful, but for best results, consult Jiva to get customized ayurvedic medicine for diabetes according to your unique Prakriti.
Follow the Ayurvedic way of living and stay happy and healthy.
To Know more , talk to a Jiva doctor. Dial 0129-4264323 or click on Our Doctors.
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