Practicing yoga regularly can alleviate stress. It also has physical and mental benefits. It helps us look after our body and mind and lead a healthy and well-balanced life.
Yoga is a way of life. It teaches us to be compassionate and understanding and help others selflessly. By reducing wasteful habits, it helps us fight stress, improve the overall quality of life, and achieve contentment.
The best yoga postures for dealing with stress are Padahastaasan, Jaanusiraasan, Paschimottanaasan, Shashankasan, Setubandasan, and Matsyasan.
Today we’ll discuss about another stress relieving exercise — Balasan. It’s one of the most effective ways of treating stress. The others include Adhomukhshwanasan, Shavasan, Marjari Asan, and Yog Nidra.
How to do Balasan:
Spread your yoga mat.
Bend your legs at the knees, kneel down and sit on your legs, with the buttocks resting on your heels.
Make sure to spread your ankles underneath you, pointing the soles of your feet upwards.
Take a deep breath and sit up straight, your hands resting on your thighs, palms down.
As you exhale, bend forward, sliding your hands onto the ground, until your chest is flat on your thighs.
Now bring your arms to the side of your body.
Line them up with your legs. The palms should face upwards.
Hold your breath in that position for as long as it is comfortable and come back up as you exhale.
Let your shoulders and hands go limp, and concentrate on breathing instead.
Benefits of Balasana:
Reduces stress
Reduces belly fat
Strengthens the muscles in the lower body
Makes the spine more flexible
Regulates breathing
Helps you sleep better
Points to Note:
If your head doesn’t touch the ground while bending forward, use a pillow to support it.
Patients with high blood pressure and/or severe knee pain are advised not to practice this posture.
Please consult your physicians before practicing the posture. First timers are advised to do it in the presence of a certified yoga expert.
Remember, to achieve any goal, the most important virtues are courage and perseverance.