Bhastrika is best for springtime, or anytime you feel sluggish, lethargic, mildly congested, or unmotivated.
It is, however, a breathing technique that is meant to be done on an empty stomach. It is always advised to have a tissue on hand in case excess mucus is loosened. Experts also suggest avoiding Bhastrika during pregnancy, or if you have heart or respiratory conditions.
How to do Bhastrika Pranayama
Sit comfortably and elongate your spine
Rest your hands on your lap and close your eyes
Relax your facial muscles and jaw
Inhale through your nose
Exhale fully and deflate your lungs
Continue the breathing technique Laying enough emphasis to each inhalation and deflation
Keep a straight posture and squeeze out excess kapha
Continue for 15-20 seconds and return to a normal breathing pattern slowing
You will notice the warmth, lightness and stimulation of Bhastrika pranayama wash over you and balance your Kapha. To know more about a healthy lifestyle, consult a Jiva doctor today. Dial 0129-4040404 or click on ‘Speak to a Doctor’ under the CONNECT tab in Jiva Health App.