Stimulates Kundalini Shakti:
Surya Bhedana awakens the Kundalini energy and stimulates your brain so that you can tackle the day’s task with ease, and stay calm even in the face of stress at the workplace.
Increases Prana Energy:
Controlled inhaling done during Surya Bhedana increases Prana energy in your body. As you breathe in, the amount of oxygen in your body increases too and makes you active.
Increases Metabolism:
As the Surya Nadi (Pingala Nadi) becomes active it stimulates Jatharagni and Sadhaka Pitta. The first form increases digestive power and the second type helps in clearing Ama (toxins) from the mind. As a result, the metabolism becomes faster and also your mental focus becomes better.
How to do Surya Bhedana?
Step 1: Close your left nostril and inhale through the right nostril.
Step 2: Hold your breath for 5 seconds, count the seconds in your head.
Step 3: Close your right nostril and gently exhale through the left nostril.
Repeat steps 1 to 3 for 5 to 10 minutes every morning.
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