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Causes and Care for Kidney Stones as per Ayurveda

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While we like wearing ‘stones’ in the form of a necklace or a ring, no one would like to have them in the kidneys! Those who had kidney stones or suffering from this condition would agree with us that having kidney stones is excruciatingly painful.

You would be surprised to know that the biggest kidney stone on record weighed more than a kilogram and was 17 centimeters in diameter! The patient didn’t swallow a stone the size of coconut; it formed inside his body. So, how do they grow in the first place? How can you prevent them from forming in your kidneys? Read on this blog to know about this condition and its holistic treatment in Ayurveda.

What causes kidney stones?

Let us explain it to you in a simple way.

The kidneys are the hubs of our body’s plumbing system. In any plumbing system, a steady supply of water keeps the whole operation flowing. In the kidneys, waste products carried by the blood are filtered out and converted into urine, which is sent on its way to the urinary bladder. There, it is stored until it is eliminated. Certain minerals in the waste products can accumulate in the kidneys, forming solid stones. Stones of the size of pinhead may pass through urine without your notice. However, the bigger stones remain in your kidneys, obstruct the urinary pathway causing acute pain and bleeding.

In Ayurveda, it is known as VrukkaAshmari (vrukka means kidney and ashmari means stone). According to Ayurveda, improper diet and lifestyle lead to aggravation of the doshas (Ayurvedic humors) and impairment of the digestive fire, causing the formation of toxins (ama) in the body. These toxins travel down the channels carrying urine, where aggravated doshas combine with it, causing its crystallization and leading to the formation of kidney stones.

A few common causes of kidney stones are excessive protein intake, calcium in drinking water, family history of kidney stones, high uric acid levels, obesity, excessive drinking or smoking, side effect of medicines like painkillers, consumption of pitta-aggravating foods, chronic stress and tension. Patients suffering from diabetes or high blood pressure are at increased risk of getting kidney stones.

What should you do if you get kidney stones?

Often patients get confused in gall bladder stones and kidney stones due to the similarity in symptoms. But, it is important to understand that these two conditions are separate and require proper diagnosis.

You can watch out for these early signs of kidney stones and prevent it from getting into a severe state - less urination, frequent urine sensation, swelling on the face and body, less appetite, weakness, tingling sensation and itching on the body.

What is unfortunate is that even after the diagnosis of kidney stones patients take the wrong route seeking instant relief by popping a pill to minimize the pain rather than treating the disease from the root. In the long run, untreated kidney problems may give rise to complications and affect your overall quality of life. Preventive care with Ayurveda can help manage this condition and eradicate it from the root.

How Ayurveda can help you treat kidney stones?

Usually, people choose Ayurvedic treatment for kidney stones as a last resort, when nothing else works for them or advised for surgery. Fortunately, for most people who choose Ayurveda treatment as the first option, a few corrections in their diet and lifestyle and other precautionary measures suggested by the Ayurvedic doctor do the trick!

This is because, in Ayurveda, each case of kidney stone is treated differently and the treatment is personalized for every patient to treat the disease from the root. Each patient has a unique set of Prakriti, doshic properties and causative factors - all of which are considered before giving treatment and suggesting any diet and lifestyle changes. This level of customization makes it possible to address the disease with more accuracy. Since Ayurveda focuses on the root-cause of kidney stones, it effectively reduces the risk of complications as well.

A few important diet and lifestyle tips that you can follow to prevent kidney stones:

  1. Drink at least 2-2.5 litre of water every day. The water intake shouldn’t be too much or too less.
  2. Reduce your protein and salt intake if it is more.
  3. Drink coconut water 2-3 times a day.
  4. Watermelon juice and fruit are good for cleansing.
  5. Have fresh sugarcane juice. It helps remove toxins from the body.
  6. You can have radish leaves juice (muli ke patte), 50ml per day.
  7. Consume Barley (Jau) Water. It helps maintain the pH levels in the body and prevent kidney stones formation.
  8. Maintain a healthy weight.

If you suspect any symptoms of kidney stones, consult a Jiva Doctor for a personalized diagnosis and begin your healing journey for long-term relief. In addition to customized treatment, personalized lifestyle and diet recommendations and Rasayan Therapy, Ayurveda also offers Panchakarma therapy. Depending on the condition of the patient, one or more of 40 different therapies are applied to remove toxins accumulated due to a faulty kidney. Panchakarma therapy also stimulates the body’s natural repairing mechanism and rejuvenates renal tissues and cells.

In short, Ayurvedic treatment strengthens the fundamental aspects of the body and improves all associated health problems. So, by the end of treatment for kidney problems, patients report feeling a renewed sense of wellness and good health.

To Know more , talk to a Jiva doctor. Dial 0129-4264323 or click on Our Doctors.



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