Do Not Binge (Overeat)Know your body’s limits and eat within your limitations. Overeating may give you momentary joy, but think about indigestion, flatulence and gas that you will experience the day after. During winter the digestive fire is usually strong, but overeating can leave behind undigested food particles and cause ama. Jiva Aam Pachak Churna is helpful in digestion, relieves gas and increases appetite.
You Do Not Need Alcohol to EnjoyAlcohol is often associated with horrific accidents every new year’s eve. You do not need alcohol to enjoy the moment. However, do not be confrontational, if your friends insist, take a drink in your hand and hold on to it. When you stay in your senses, every moment becomes more memorable.
Make an Ayurvedic New Year’s ResolutionResolve to become healthier this new year. Relax, sleep better, workout regularly, cut back on addictions and spend more time with your family. Stress, pollution, chemicals in food – all of these are integral part of a modern life, therefore you must take steps to counter the ill-effects with a healthy lifestyle.