1.Start an Ayurvedic Diet Ayurveda lays a lot of emphasis on not just the diet, but also on the overall experience of consuming food. According to Ayurveda, food can be the number one preventive medication if chosen correctly. Aggravated levels of Vata or Pitta cause frustration, anxiety and anger – all of these contribute to stress. To reduce stress, it is important to choose a dosha-pacifying diet. Every individual has different doshas, and consuming the right diet according to your Tridosha status is very important. Consider consulting an expert in the field of Ayurveda to know what diet suits your Tridoshas.
2. Lead a Satvvic Lifestyle According to Ayurveda, living a Sattvic lifestyle means leading a peaceful, alert and calm lifestyle. A Sattvic lifestyle is one in which your activities are meaningful and contribute towards something positive. The opposite of Sattvic is Tamasic. A person who leads a Tamasic lifestyle feels dull, sleepy and lethargic all the time. To lead a sattvic lifestyle choose activities that are going to have a positive effect on your lifestyle. Here are a few tips to lead a sattvic lifestyle:
- Wake up early. The sun is a primary source of positive energy that will make you feel energetic and dynamic.
- Eat your food consciously. When you hold the food in your hand, feel the texture, smell in the fragrance and experience the sensation of chewing the food.
- Consume sattvic food such as seasonal fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts. Avoid tamasic foods such as refrigerated or heated foods. Avoid alcohol and chew your food slowly to release the full flavour and nutrients of what you eat.
- Meditate at least once a day to keep mental poise and balance. Meditation prevents mental fatigue, anger, jealousy and aggression.
- Keep your work schedule in balance with your personal life. Overworking can cause you a lot of stress. If you spend a lot of your energy in your professional life, you will eventually miss out on the joys of personal life.
A sattvic lifestyle is the combination of sattvic activities and achieving balance in all aspects of your life. You will see real benefits by following a sattvic lifestyle, leading a stress-free life is just one of those benefits.
3. Relax with Ayurvedic Therapy Ayurvedic massage relaxes the body, helps in promoting circulation and flushes toxins out of your system. This works by targeting deep tissues and flushes the lymphatic drainage system. Shirodhara therapy and Abhyanga massages for the hand and feet work very effectively in reducing muscular stress, pain and promotes natural development and regeneration of tissues.
Breathing techniques such as Sama Vritti (Equal Breathing), Nadi Sodhana (Alternate Nose Breathing) and Kapalabhati are amazing stress relief Yoga techniques that you can do anywhere, anytime.
Follow these three simple tips to feel all your stress melt away. In case you need professional help, consider approaching organizations that offer Ayurvedic treatment in India.