Here are some of the other benefits of goal setting for children:
Keeps them motivated
Improves confidence
Builds self-esteem
Teaches them decision-making skills
Helps them learn basic planning & execution
Now that we’ve understood the importance of goal-setting, here are some types of goals you should help your children set.
Academic Goals
Learning a new language
Getting higher marks in a subject or top ranking in their class
Extra-curricular Goals
Encourage them to prepare for a solo dance performance in a school function
Develop a blog/website and upload their own writing, within a specified time
Personal Goals
Controlling their temper
Cleaning their room every Sunday
Financial Goals
Save money to buy their favourite toys
Help their parents with basic budgeting of things like buying fruits and milk
Social Goals
Planting and encouraging others to plant trees
Helping illiterate children to read
Family Goals
Speaking to elderly family members on a regular basis
Collecting photos and making albums of important occasions
Parents have an important role in guiding their children in making their own list of goals. Tell your kids about the importance of goals in their life. If they’re confused, spend time with them and help them understand their aspirations, passions, desires, and interests so that they can chart their own course to success.