The Symptoms
Stomach cramps
The constant urge to make a bowel movement
Mucus and blood in the stool
Rapid weight loss
Joint pain and weakness
The Ayurvedic Perspective
According to Ayurveda, this disease is caused by two factors.
Excess of ama in the digestive tract
When the food you eat isn’t properly digested, it turns into ama (toxins) that are stored in the large intestine. Over time, this ama causes inflammation and ulcers.
An aggravated Pitta
Pitta is the dosha of heat. An excess of the fiery pitta causes a number of problems in the digestive tract, like severe acidity, indigestion, diarrhoea, and ulcers.
Home Remedies
Since ulcerative colitis is linked to the health of your digestive tract, modifying your diet is key to managing the condition.
Avoid all Pitta aggravating foods. This includes all spicy, warm, oily foods. Chillies, raw onions, green grapes, pineapple, vinegar and all other foods that have pungent, sour or salty tastes are off the menu, too.
Favour foods with sweet, bitter and astringent tastes like sweet fruits, grains, root vegetables, milk, ghee, jeera (cumin), neem, haldi ( turmeric).
Sip on coconut water and bel ka sharbat (wood apple squash) for their wonderful cooling qualities.
However, for long-term maintenance of the condition or to be free of it completely, you should consult a Jiva doctor. You can dial 0129-4040404 from your mobile phone or click on ‘Speak to a Doctor’ under the CONNECT tab in the Jiva Health App.