This natural remedy is considered as a very beneficial medicine in the treatment of a number of health problems. Ashwagandha is known to treat sexual problems, menopausal problem and is a wonderful mood elevator etc. You can take Jiva Ashwagandha tablets to improve immunity and reduces the stress which helps to reduce hair fall. If you have hyperacidity, please consult Jiva Doctor before taking Ashwagandha.
Neem Leaves
In Ayurvedic terms, Neem is also referred as Margosa. Known for its antibacterial property, neem leaves can cure many health issues. For hair strength, you can take 100 gm of neem leaves and boil it in water for 10-15 minutes. Now you can strain it and use it for hair wash. Alternatively, you can use Neem oil, apply it at night and wash with Jiva Neem Shampoo in the morning. Neem is also beneficial for reducing dandruff.
Roots of Banyan tree
This is another very effective Ayurvedic option for hair treatment. You can use this by grinding root and mix one teaspoon of lemon juice in it. Regular use of this remedy strengthens your hair and makes it dense.
Amla Murabba
Amla is also very beneficial in maintaining healthy and beautiful hair. You can take fresh raw amla, Amla Tablets or prepare amla murabba at home.
Apart from these natural remedies, make sure to live a healthy life. This means proper 8-10 hours of sleep, avoid unhealthy food and beverages, drink sufficient water etc. If you are looking for some easy personalized treatment and customized medicine according to your prakriti, then you can try Jiva Hair products. You can read more at ]