The human body is made of 7 dhatus: asthi, majja, rasa, rakta, meda, asthi and shukra. These tissues are formed and are strengthened gradually in due course of time. Diet plays a very important role in the formation of the seven dhatus. For good health, it is necessary for the all the dhatus to be healthy and strong. Disease free semen is white, has a consistent viscosity, while diseased semen can be yellowish, thin, smelly and even foamy.
How is semen formed?
Ayurveda considers semen to be the most precious of all tissues. Not only does it take the longest to form, it is also the basis of creation. Semen is formed when food is properly digested and nourishes the shukra dhatu. Maharishi Shusruta explains that the process of semen formation starts when food is digested and is converted into rasa dhatu. The process of transforming food to semen takes approximately 30 days.
Reasons of Diseased Semen
Excessive Masturbation
Excessive physical labour
Unnatural semen loss (nightfall etc.)
Sexual congress with diseased person
Consuming incompatible
Eating spicy or oily foods
Chronic stress, anxiety or depression
Sexual disorders or senility
How improve the quality of semen?
Good diet and lifestyle is the secret of good health. If diet is not nutritious or too spicy or oily, it is not digested properly and hence it cannot be converted to rasa dhatu. As a result, the other dhatus are also not formed properly, which eventually affects the quality of semen and sperm. Semen formation can become disrupted because of diseases or infections. When the quality of semen decreases, it directly affects sexual prowess. Ayurveda recommends special medicines and herbs to enhance the quality and amount of semen. Consuming a healthy diet and leading a healthy lifestyle also increases Ojas. Here are some Ayurvedic herbs that you can consume:
Mishri candy mixed in cow’s milk
Ghee and clarified butter
Udad daal
Basil seeds
Black sesame