1) Raisins and almonds:
Soak around five to six raisins and almonds overnight and consume them the next morning. Drinking the water in which the almonds and raisins have been soaked can also prove to be beneficial for bringing relief from migraines.
2) Durva Grass:
Blend a fist full of Durva grass to obtain its fresh juice. Add a pinch of liquorice powder or mulethi powder to it and mix it well. Drinking this mixture in the afternoon for a month will help reduce the severity of a migraine.
3) Coriander seed powder:
Mix a teaspoon of coriander powder in a cup of water and leave it overnight to soak. Drink it the following morning on an empty stomach. This simple remedy can do wonders and bring relief from the pain.
4) Jasmine and Pomegranate leaves:
Crush the tender leaves of jasmine and pomegranate with a pinch of a salt to extract fresh juice. Pour two to three drops of this in your nostrils early in the morning on an empty stomach.
5) Ginger:
Drinking ginger tea a few times throughout the day until you get relief is an effective way of controlling migraines. Moreover, simply chewing on a piece of raw ginger root will also help treat and relieve the symptoms of a migraine.
A migraine is a troublesome health issue, but a well-disciplined lifestyle can help you manage it better. For long term relief, though, you should consult a Jiva doctor and find out what’s triggering those migraine headaches. He’ll be able to diagnose the root cause of the problem and prescribe customised treatment for you that will cure the condition once and for all.