Increases Ojas:
Ojas is the essence of health and it is created when the body is well nourished, all doshas are in balance and there are no toxins in the body. Panchakarma brings all factors to the perfect state in order to increase production of Ojas.
Enhances Sattva:
A lot of psychological problems are caused because of gunic distortions. Tamas and Rajas guna agitates the mind, so Panchakarma counsellor guides you how to cultivate Sattva guna.
Balances Vata dosha:
Panchakarma reduces the toxic load from your body and balances Vata dosha which dominates the nervous system and is the root-cause of many psychological problems.
Strengthens nerve tissues:
Panchakarma uses medicated oil to strengthen the nerve tissues and empowers it to withstand the effects of stress and anxiety of daily life and prevents degeneration.
Rejuvenates the nervous system:
Massages, fomentation and enemas restore the normal functions of the entire nervous system by rejuvenating it.