Spend less time in the bathroom:
The habit of reading books or newspaper in the bathroom or watching mobiles is a major lifestyle change one should undertake. Reading makes you sit for a longer time on the seat, which in turn puts more pressure on the bowel movement, and also gives stress to the blood vessels. Both the above situations can lead to hemorrhoids. Stacks of newspaper and magazines should be removed from the bathroom.
Stay hydrated:
We are all aware that drinking water is good for health, but not many follow it. Water intake prevents constipation and regularises the bowel movement. It is recommended to drink eight to ten glasses of water to smoothen the functioning of the digestive system.
Never resist the urge:
A call for defecation should never be ignored or delayed. It may lead to hardening of stool in the intestine thereby increasing the risk of piles. A hard stool is difficult to pass and requires a lot of strain and pressure.
Fibre-rich diet:
A fiber in diet help in keeping constipation away which otherwise aggravates piles. Following foods are rich in fiber and can be added to the diet,
Legumes like beans, peas, black beans, and baked beans.
Whole grains like oatmeal, barley, and brown rice.
Vegetables like radish, turnip, carrot, sprouts, broccoli, and many more.
Warm baths:
Sitz or warm baths give a lot of relief from itching and irritation in the anal region. It can be repeated twice or thrice daily and the area should be cleaned and dried thereafter.
Physical activity:
Regular exercise helps in keeping the bowel movements regular as it keeps the intestine moving. It is helpful in constipation and hemorrhoids.
Prevention is always better than cure. If a few simple steps can help you avoid surgery why not go ahead with it? Stay healthy, stay fit. For proper treatment of Piles get in touch with Jiva Ayurveda doctor for personalized consultation and treatment.