Is mint A Good Option?
Mint is a natural substance that can heal you very quickly. It is useful for the stomach disorders and does not have any side effects. Its anti-inflammatory properties give a soothing effect to the area and relieve a headache. It also helps in sleeping and can even be used as an alternative to the standard painkillers.
How to Use mint?
Mint is available in all parts of the world and can be taken in any form. It is available as the following:
Essential Oil
The most efficient way in which mint can help in the reliving the headache is by rubbing the mint oil on the forehead. You can mix the mint oil with the massage oils and rub it around the temples and massage your forehead gently so that you get the best results. It provides an instant cooling effect.
Fresh mint leaves
Make a paste of the fresh mint leaves and apply it on the forehead. It acts just like the mint oil in relieving stress and pain.
Freshening Bath
Another amazing way of using mint is by drawing a fresh and relaxing bath. You can add fresh mint leaves to the bath or alternatively, add mint essential oil to the bath to get a relaxing and soothing scent around you. Immerse yourself in the lukewarm bath, rest your head back, close your eyes and relax! You will see the difference in your headache within minutes!
To Sum Up
Mint oil has been beneficial in treating pain in the head due to a migraine. However, it is not the only solution. You need to team this up with a healthier lifestyle and a regular visit to the doctor. It can, however, be an excellent alternative to the painkiller that the doctors usually prescribe.