Food For Vata Dosha:
Food that is warm and nourishing with a heavy texture is the best for vata dosha. All food consumed should either be well cooked or ripe. Some of the best vata pacifying vegetables are beets, green beans, carrots, sweet potatoes, and onions. Ripe fruits like sweet melons, oranges, grapes are also beneficial.
Food For Pitta Dosha:
The best foods for Pittas should have moderately heavy textures and should be cool or warm. Vegetables that are sweet and bitter are extremely helpful in balancing pitta. A few foods good for this dosha are cabbage, cucumber, radishes, potatoes and carrots. Bananas, mangoes, coconut and melons are a few fruits that also pacify the pitta dosha.
Food For Kapha Dosha:
For kapha dosha food that are warm, light, and dry is ideal. The best foods to stimulate the kapha appetite are beet, broccoli, lettuce, mushroom, and leafy green vegetables. Fruits such as apples, cherries, papaya and pears are also extremely beneficial if eaten ripe. For those with the kapha dosha, all spices work great. A few that aid digestion are cumin, fenugreek, and ginger.
Balanced doshas mean good health. To know more about how diet is connected to your health or to seek relief from a digestion related ailment, get in touch with a Jiva doctor today. Dial 0129-4040404 from your mobile phone or landline or click on ‘Speak to a Doctor’ under the CONNECT tab in the Jiva Health App.