Creatinine is a waste that is produced in the body during the breakdown of muscle tissue and digestion of protein from food. While it is a normal waste product, high levels of creatinine can cause issues in the body. Evidence-based Ayurvedic treatment can help manage the levels of creatinine in the body through a holistic approach.
Creatinine is a waste product produced in the body as a result of the breakdown of muscle tissue and digestion of protein from food. It is filtered from the blood by the kidneys and excreted from the body in urine.
If high levels of creatinine are found in the blood, it can be a sign of by some health conditions, such as:
High creatinine levels can cause a number of symptoms, including:
Fatigue: It is often caused by kidney damage that prevents the kidney from filtering waste and toxins from the blood properly.
Changes in urination frequency: If kidneys are not working properly, creatinine stays in the body which can lead to both changes in urination frequency and appearance of urine.
Loss of appetite: As a result of kidney dysfunction, creatinine, urea and acid may build up inside the body and lead to a loss of appetite.
Bad taste in mouth: Accumulation of creatinine, urea and acid due to kidney dysfunction may cause changes in taste.
Nausea: This is caused due to an increase in the levels of creatinine and uric acid in the body as a side effect of the kidneys not functioning properly.
Muscle twitches: High creatinine levels may cause cramps as well as twitches in the muscles.
High blood pressure: Someone who has high blood pressure is more likely to have high creatinine levels, as high blood pressure can damage the blood vessels of the kidneys and affect kidney function.
Vomiting: Vomiting can indicate impaired kidney function and happens due to creatinine and other waste products staying in the body.
Chest pain: Chest pain is also a sign of kidney issues and is the result of the build up of creatinine and other toxins in the body.
Fluid retention: Fluid retention, also known as edema, can occur due to the impairment of kidney function.
Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to managing and maintaining levels of creatinine in the body. This includes the usage of Ayurvedic herbs, Panchakarma therapy, diet and lifestyle modifications as well as practising yoga & meditation.
Staying hydrated: Drinking an adequate amount of water is vital in maintaining kidney health and reducing creatinine levels. Drinking water aids in flushing toxins and waste products out from the body.
Manage sodium intake: Excessive intake of sodium contributes to high blood pressure which can then lead to kidney damage. Limiting sodium intake is essential to reduce creatinine levels. Avoiding processed and packaged foods which usually have high levels of sodium, and consuming fresh fruits and vegetables can help maintain sodium levels in the body.
Consuming a kidney-friendly diet: Opt for foods that are low in protein and potassium, and high in fibre and antioxidants. Consume foods such as leafy greens, berries, cauliflower, apples and fish.
Avoid alcohol and smoking: Both of these habits can have a detrimental effect on kidney function and should be avoided.
Exercise regularly: Regular exercise is beneficial for overall health as well as kidney health. Physical exercise improves blood circulation and promotes elimination of waste products through sweating. Incorporating exercises like walking, jogging and cycling can support kidney function and lower creatinine levels.
Manage stress levels: Chronic stress has a negative impact on overall health, including kidney function. Practising meditation and deep breathing exercises can help in the reduction of stress and support kidney health as well as lower creatinine levels.
Get adequate rest: Adequate sleep and rest helps the body undergo important restorative processes, including elimination of toxins and waste products.
High creatinine levels are a warning sign from the body, indicating problems with the kidneys. This can, however, be managed and reversed with evidence-based Ayurveda. If you are looking for more guidance and tips on how to manage high creatinine levels, you can book a consultation with Jiva Ayurvedic specialists today.
Jiva Ayunique™ Treatment Philosophy offers holistic Ayurvedic treatment of High Creatinine Levels using evidence-based Ayurveda and HACCP certified Ayurvedic medicines and diet plans. The treatment plans are customised to target the root cause of the disease by focusing on holistic healing, balance and stability in totality.
Book a consultation with Jiva today.
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