Ringworm is often caused when all three vata, pitta & kapha doshas becomes aggressively excess in the body. Therefore, treatment includes pacifying the doshas with proper diet and Lifestyle steps. In most of the cases you can get rid of ringworm at home with simple remedies, but for proper treatment that is personalized for your specific cause, it is highly recommended to speak to an expert skin specialist rather than self medicating. To get started, here are a few home remedies for ringworm that we can start applying from today itself at home.
In addition to these home remedies for ringworm, you can get the best medicine for ringworm by Consulting a doctor. In most cases, Panchkarma is surely recommended for maximum benefit in the treatment in addition to prescribing herbal medications both for external application and internal consumption.
In order to treat ringworm, as well as other fungal infections, treatment at Jiva Ayurveda takes a holistic approach that addresses all the deep tissues as well as blood and plasma for an overall 360 degree benefit within a relatively short period of time. Also, it must be noted that Ayurvedic treatment for ringworm offers long term relief, and lesser chance of recurrence if the treatment is completed as per the doctor's advice and diagnosis.
Identifying the symptoms
In order to get proper treatment, or even to apply home remedies for ringworm, you must first identify the symptoms of the disease. Ringworm can happen either on the soles of the feet, in the groin area, in the buttocks, on the beard area, on the palms of the hand, or on the scalp. The usual symptoms are:
When to consult the doctor?
If even applying ringworm home treatment remedies for several days you do not see any improvement, and the symptoms persist, stop applying them and immediately consult an expert skin doctor. Jiva Ayurveda has already helped thousands of skin disorder patients with similar fungal infections. Call 0129 4040 404 today and speak with an expert doctor for personalized treatment and advise.
To Know more , talk to a Jiva doctor. Dial 0129-4264323 or click on Our Doctors.
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