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Makarasana is derived from two words - 'makar' which means crocodile in Sanksrit and 'asana' (pose). Thus it is a pose that resembles a crocodile. Makarasana is very beneficial for sciatica, slip disk, stress reduction, and problems affecting the waist and knees. It's also remarkably effective in alleviating respiratory problems and controlling hypertension. Among the large repertoire of asanas in Yoga, Makarasana is an excellent exercise to maintain good mental and physical health. Today's fast paced life and the blind race to achieve more in life, whether at school, college, market or office leaves us stressed, tired and depressed. This has led us trapped with a variety of disorders such as depression, stress, high blood pressure, cervical spondylitis and waist pain. It is imperative that we take some time out from our everyday life for good health and keep the above problems at bay.
Lay a mat and lie down on your stomach in a flat, comfortable and clean ground.
Raise your shoulder and face slightly and bend your elbows to that you can rest your face on your palms comfortably.
Ensure that your elbows are not tucked below your chest or resting too far away from the body. Keep your legs straight and joined together.
Now gradually start exhaling and inhaling. Maintain the posture for at least 30 seconds to 3 minutes. With regular practice you can maintain the posture for 5-10 minutes.
Benefits of Makarasana:
It reduces physical and mental stress.
Ensures health of the lungs.
Beneficial in problems such as slip disk and sciatica.