Marma points are energy points in the body that are used in Ayurvedic therapy. Marma point massage manipulates the prana (life force of the body), which can kickstart the process of healing. For relief from Asthma, consider the following Marma massage points.
Manya and Neela Marma:
They are two different points, located on each side of the Kanta Naadi (windpipe). It is the location of the Vishuddha Chakra (throat chakra), a blockage of which causes chronic asthma. It also has an effect on the stomach, which directly causes Asthma through the Pitta. Combined pressure on these two points for up to 5 minutes with the thumb and the forefinger can help ease some discomfort.
Amsa Phalika Marma:
This point is located on the back of the shoulder, a finger length below your shoulder blades. Apply firm pressure on this point with the pads of the fingers for relief from muscle pain, wheezing, coughing, and sneezing.
Hridhya Marma:
This is the best pressure point for bronchial asthma. It is located in the hollow area under the collarbone and next to the breastbone. Apply gentle pressure on this point regularly for five minutes to help relieve the anxiety related to Asthma. You can also massage this point in a circular motion.
Marma massage therapy originates from ancient Ayurvedic texts and prolonged use of these techniques, on a regular basis is sure to yield the best results, especially when combined with other Ayurvedic remedies for asthma.
To know about Marma and Panchakarma massages, or to find long term relief from Asthma, consult a Jiva doctor today. You can dial 0129-4040404 from your mobile phone or click on ‘Speak to a Doctor’ under the CONNECT tab in the Jiva Health App.