In today's world where we spend most of our daily hours in the workplace, we tend to spend a lot of time seated in one place, usually hunched over our computers. At home we spend long hours watching TV or eating at odd hours in a hurry. We are stressed or tense while eating and hardly have time to chew our food. The problem is compounded by large intake of spicy and oily food. We lead sedentary lives and seldom devote time to exercise or physical activity. Our unnatural lifestyle and erratic eating habits give rise to problems such as obesity, hypertension, constipation, indigestion, piles and many other disorders.
Making Yoga and Ayurveda an integral part of your life can help in the prevention and cure of many disorders. Regular practice of Paschimottasana is very beneficial in preventing and controlling the above mentioned diseases.
To Know more , talk to a Jiva doctor. Dial 0129-4040404 or click on ‘Speak to a Doctor
under the CONNECT tab in Jiva Health App.
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