Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an auto immune disease that leads to the destruction of the joints and the surrounding tissues, triggering a chronic inflammatory response. In severe cases it can result in deformities. Symptoms include inflammation, stiffness, and pain in the joints, especially in the winters. In Ayurveda, it is known as ama vata.
Dr. Dadi says, “Earlier, though people used to consume large amounts of milk and dairy products, they used to be involved in a lot of physical activity. Their jatharagni (digestive fire) was strong and that didn’t allow excess ama formation.” An impaired digestive system causes ama (toxin) formation, and aggravated vata circulates the toxins in the channels of the body and deposits in the joints causing ama vata. Psychologically speaking, hatred and anger of people and circumstances seem to aggravate the symptoms of diseases related to the joints. Therefore, it is also important to maintain calmness and positive thoughts in the mind. Ayurveda can help counter the debilitation effects of this disease. Below Dr. Dadi offers some simple home remedies for rheumatoid arthritis.
Mix powdered long pepper (pippali), black pepper (kali mirch) and dried ginger root (saunth) in equal quantities. Take 1 teaspoon of the powder with lukewarm water twice a day.
Take 2 tablespoons each of long pepper powder (pippali), piper root powder (pippalimool), Java long pepper (chavya), and dried ginger root powder (sunthi). Boil this in 4 liters of water or milk until only half of the liquid remains. Strain and drink this liquid whenever you feel thirsty.
Dry fomentation using sand is very beneficial. Take a fourfolded cloth, fill with hot sand, and make a bundle of it. Press the bundle on the painful joints to melt or dissolve the accumulated ama from the joints.
Swallow 2 peeled garlic buds in the morning with water.
Take one tablespoon of castor oil before going to bed, once or twice a week. It is helpful in cleansing ama (toxin) and balancing vata.
Mix equal quantities of powdered fenugreek seeds, turmeric and ginger powder. Take one teaspoon in the morning and evening.
Always consult a medical expert before using these home remedies. Home remedies are not a substitute for medicines. If there is no progress in your condition please consult a physician to get the best ayurvedic treatment for arthritis
To Know more , talk to a Jiva doctor. Dial 0129-4040404 or click on Our Doctors.
Home Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis, natural remedies for arthritis
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