Ayurvedic Treatments:
The Ayurvedic Therapy:
Ayurveda prescribes the Panchakarma Therapy in treatment of joint problems because Panchakarma massage can balance vitiated Vata dosha in the body. The warmth generated from the heat of the massage brings comfort to your aching joints while bringing relief to the joint disease.
Fenugreek Seeds:
Consumption of the bitter Fenugreek Seeds serves as an effective natural remedy in treating joint disease. As Arthritis is caused due to the aggravation of Vata Dosha, mixing grinded fenugreek seeds with your food can naturally inhibit and pacify the Vata Dosha while treating the condition. It also removes all the toxic waste from your body. Fenugreek Seeds can also be mixed with warm mustard oil and applied over the affected area for relief.
Consumption of Ayurvedic Natural Herbs:
Ingredients such as Amla, Turmeric, Ginger, Flaxseeds, Walnuts, Tulsi etc. are rich in anti-inflammation and anti-oxidant properties that fights the tenderness around the affected joints while effectively treating your joint pain. Apart from treating your condition such herbs also carry multiple other health benefits and when consumed regularly, you can find yourself living in a healthy condition.
Yogasanas and Exercising:
While treatment is an effective way to cure Arthritis, performing Yogasanas and Exercising regularly enables body flexibility and improves blood circulation that in turn results in the prevention of such diseases happening in the first place. And hence, Yogasanas as well as exercises like swimming, walking, cycling, stretching etc. should be incorporated into your daily routine and sedentary lifestyles should ideally be discouraged.