Garlic Milk
Due to the vata-pacifying qualities of garlic, this drink is an excellent anti-inflammatory and reduces the inflammation around the sciatic nerve.
Combine 2 cups of milk, 1 cup of water and 10 crushed lahsun ki kali (garlic clove) in a saucepan.
Allow it to simmer on low heat for 5-6 minutes.
Add honey to taste and drink twice a day.
Ginger Tea
Ginger is an Ayurvedic superfood. It pacifies vata and fires the Agni (digestive fire). This helps in effectively eliminating ama (toxins) from the body, which is another cause of Sciatica.
Add a piece of adrak (ginger) to a cup of boiling water.
Allow it to infuse for 8-10 minutes before straining the tea.
Add honey to taste and enjoy hot 2-3 times a day.
Fenugreek Lep
Methi (fenugreek) seeds are excellent at pacifying vata and it is a powerful anti-inflammatory.
Combine 2 teaspoons of ground methi with milk until you achieve a spreadable consistency.
Apply it to the affected areas 1-2 times a day.
However, for long-term maintenance of sciatica or to be free of it completely, you should consult a Jiva doctor. You can dial 0129-4040404 from your mobile phone or click on ‘Speak to a Doctor’ under the CONNECT tab in the Jiva Health App.