Place a mat on clean and levelled ground and lie flat on your stomach.
Place your right hand on your right thigh, and similarly place your left hand on her left thigh.
Slightly raise your head and bring your chin in contact with the ground.
Inhale and while holding your breath, gently lift your right leg.
Exhale and gently bring your right leg down until it touches the ground.
Repeat the process with your left leg, remembering to hold your breath after inhaling, and exhaling gently while bringing your leg down to the ground.
With practice and experience, you will be able to left both legs simultaneously, and this poster is known as Poorna Shalbhasana
Benefits of Shalbhasana:
Keeps your spine healthy and supple
Keeps respiratory diseases away and makes your lungs stronger
Strengthens your shoulders
Helps in reducing flab in your stomach and waist
Before doing any yoga postures, it is advisable to consult your doctor regarding your health issues. Practice yoga postures in the presence of a trained yoga expert.
While practising shalbhasana, make sure to keep your chin touching gently on the floor. Do not hurry while lifting your legs. Patients who have hernia, heart problems or problems of the intestines and pregnant women should not practice this posture.