Benefits of Lassi
Freshly made lassi rekindles agni, the digestive fire.
It is a natural remedy to prevent stomach problems, like constipation and bloating.
Its high calcium content also makes it excellent in improving bone and dental health.
Lassi is a great source of lactic acid and vitamin D that boosts the immune system.
Finally, it’s a tridoshic drink that helps balance all three doshas.
Flavouring your glass of lassi with spices and fruits is not an uncommon practice. Here is a new recipe for you to try- Spiced Peach Lassi. Peach is great for flavour and health benefits. Popular as a summer fruit, peach promotes digestive health, is rich in antioxidants and boosts immunity.
Here’s how you can enjoy a spiced peach lassi
Cardamom (elaichi) powder – 2 pinch
Honey – 1 tsp
Peaches – 1/2
Rosewater – 1/3 cups
Water – 1/3 cups
Fresh yogurt – 1/3 cups
In a blender, make a puree using all the ingredients mentioned above.
Once done, serve in a glass.
You can garnish with pista (pistachios) for added flavour and texture.
Peach lassi is a delicious drink that’s also easy and quick to make. So you can relish it without feeling guilty about having something unhealthy! If you want to know more about a healthy and Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle, contact a Jiva doctor today. Dial 0129-4040404 or click on ‘Speak to a Doctor’ under the CONNECT tab in Jiva Health App.