Cinnamon and honey mask:
Cinnamon has antimicrobial properties and honey is a natural antibiotic. Mix two tablespoons of honey with one teaspoon of cinnamon and blend together to form a paste. Apply this to your whole face or just the spot where you have a breakout. Leave for 10-15 minutes, rinse with water, and pat dry.
Tulsi Paste:
This is an excellent Ayurvedic treatment for acne and pimples. Steep 2-3 teaspoons of dried or fresh basil in warm water and form a paste. Apply on face for about 10 minutes and rinse off with water. Do this about 4-5 times a week for an unblemished complexion.
Lemon Juice:
This is one of the best remedies for acne that is easily available to us. Take one tablespoon of lemon juice and apply to the blemish with a cotton swab or a Q-tip. Allow to sit for 15 minutes until dry and then wash off. Make sure to wipe off thoroughly as it is photosensitive and can cause a reaction.
This is an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal remedy to prevent bacterial breakouts and pimples. Make a smooth paste of turmeric powder with water and apply to the face or affected area. Wait until dry then rinse off with water and pat dry. If you have dry skin, you can use honey instead of water.
Neem leaves:
Make a paste of neem leaf by boiling and crushing ten leaves. Apply it on the affected area and leave until dry. Rinse with water and pat dry. Owing to its antimicrobial properties, neem can clean out the skin and rid it of the agents that are causing acne.
Acne might seem like a small enough problem, but it can be a major concern for young adults. These breakouts can severely impact self confidence and leave a person feeling unhappy with his / her appearance. However, with these Ayurvedic remedies, you can now be rid of acne and enjoy just beautiful, blemish-free skin.