The physical benefits of being in nature are undeniable:
Rejuvenated energy
Decreased blood pressure
Reduced anxiety and stress
Lower heart rate
Better cholesterol
Heightened immunity
In addition to this, there are definite spiritual advantages of surrounding yourself with natural beauty. Let’s look at a few of them.
Engage your senses completely:
In nature, we are exposed to sights, sounds, smells, and tastes unlike anything we experience in our daily life. This opens up all our senses and connects the mind to the body.
Feel one with the universe:
The energy flowing within us is no different from the one flowing through the plants, trees, and animals. When we interact with the life force coursing through nature, it enriches us and sustains our spirit.
Recognize the finite:
Observing nature also reminds us of our transience - that we’re born into this world and we’re going to return to it, leaving behind our mind and energy to continue the cosmic journey.
Discover your true self:
When you spend time outdoors, it reveals facets of your personality that you’ve been out of touch with. You discover your essential nature and learn to be at peace with who you are
Discover the divine:
Communing with nature gives us a glimpse of the divine. It’s reflected in everything, from the vastness of the expanse to the minute details in the plants, flowers, and insects around you.
Since time immemorial, humans have shared a deep, spiritual bond with nature. She is our supreme mother. We come from her, and she lives in us. That’s why Ayurveda urges us to spend as much time as possible outdoors, taking in natural beauty and making time for self reflection.