Listed below are 3 Yoga poses which are very beneficial for any headache problem and you must follow these Yoga poses to get relief from Migraine.
Seated Neck Release Yoga:
Most of the headache is caused due to neck problem. This simple Yoga exercise helps to relax your neck and reduce the stress. In this pose, you have sit keeping your spine and neck in the straight position. Then tilt your head in the left side with the help of right hand and vice-versa. Do it slowly and repeat the process for few times.
Viparita Karani:
Another simple exercise where you should keep your legs on the walls and stretch your body. In this, lie on the mat and place both your legs together on the wall. You can now close your eyes, relax your belly, stretch your hands straight. Do this for 5-10 minutes every day to get immediate relief from Migraine.
Adho Mukho Savasana:
It is a Downward Facing Dog Pose and is one of the most popular Yoga Asanas for many health problems including migraine. It reduces the stiffness from your body and increases the blood flow in your head that helps in any headache.
You should include these Yoga Asanas as a part of your daily routine and get benefit from various health problems.