This is a state of absolute sterility and in most of the cases, it’s considered incurable. According to Sushruta Samhita, an ancient Sanskrit script on medicine and surgery, Vandhya is used to describe a woman who has lost her Artava (menstruation) causing loss of ovulation or sterility. The congenital under-development or deformity of the female genital tract can also be the cause of Vandhyatva.
This is a treatable condition, and applies to women who have difficulty in conceiving. It’s caused by the imbalance of Vata, which leads to dryness in the mouth of the cervix and the fallopian tube. This dryness doesn’t allow the sperm to enter the vaginal area or stick to it. A healthy diet and regular exercise can help fight this complication.
This is a secondary infertility condition. Women who face complications during their previous pregnancy can sometimes develop infertility during their childbearing years. Again, depending upon the complications, the conditions can be treated.
The menstrual cycle is an indication of the state of the health of the female and can be affected by many factors, such as excessive physical exercise, diet, lifestyle, stress, or emotional instability. The disturbed menstrual cycle can imbalance Ojas (sexual energy), Dosha (overall health of a person), and Dhatus (basic structure of the body).
Don’t give up hope if you haven’t been able to conceive yet. Speak to a Jiva doctor today and ask him about Ayurbaby - Jiva’s new program for couples looking to start a family. Click on ‘Speak to a Doctor’ on the CONNECT tab or dial 0129-4040404 from your mobile phone or landline today.