Symptoms for Hypothyroidism:
First of all, let’s understand about hypothyroidism. In this, thyroid gland is not active due to which the body does get the required amount of T3 and T4 hormones. In this situation, the person exhibits the following symptoms:
- Sudden increase in weight
- Interest in daily activities decreases,
- Body's immune system becomes weak,
- Swelling and cramps in the feet
- Difficulty in Physical activity
- Feels Cold
- Problem of constipation,
- Swollen face and eyes
- Menstrual cycle becomes irregular,
- Skin becomes rough and dry
- Depression
- The voice becomes rugged and heavy.
This disease occurs between 30 and 70 years of women and men.
Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism:
So let's know about Hyperthyroidism. In this thyroid becomes more active and becomes more soluble in blood.
- Sudden increase in weight
- Increase in Appetite
- Unable to bear heat,
- Excessive sweating,
- Muscles become weak,
- Increase in the heartbeat
- Loss of sleep,
- Monthly discharge increase and becomes irregular.
Hyperthyroidism occurs in women who are in their 20’s.
Blood test is done in both types of Thyroid problem. Level of active hormone is checked in blood with the presence of T3, T4 and TSH levels. Most patients have to take medication lifelong however, if your Thyroid is in the first stage then this problem can be treated with good results.
If you have any of these symptoms in your body, then consult our Jiva doctor immediately for proper diagnosis and treatment.