In Ayurvedic terms, Vitiligo is caused due to the excess of Pitta Dosha in our body. The exact reason for this disease can’t be explained; it could be hereditary or can be due to other disease like Thyroid, Anemia etc.
As per Ayurveda, this disease can occur due to the intake of wrong food combinations, stress or improper nutrition and hence proper care is required in terms of eating habits and change in everyday lifestyle.
Try these Ayurvedic formulas to treat Vitiligo:
The improper functioning of liver results in skin disorders like Vitiligo. Bakuchi is a powerful herb that shows its effect on liver, on our digestive system and helps remove the impurities (toxins) from our body. It results in reducing the white patches of the body and is very useful in the treatment of Leucoderma (Vitiligo). For the treatment, you can make a paste from Bakuchi powder and coconut oil and then apply it on the white patches.
Manjishta Powder:
Manjistha is known for strong medicinal properties and can cure disease like Eczema, Vitiligo, Psoriasis and many more. It has the healing power that can repair any damaged tissue of our body. It removes the toxins from our body and balances the excess of Pitta dosha, thereby healing the disease internally.
Soak 500 gram of turmeric powder in 7 litres of water for 7-8 hours. Then boil it till it becomes half of the solution. Then add 500ml mustrad oil and use this remedy on the patches two times in a day. Do this for 2-3 months.
Try these herbal options to treat vitiligo. For proper cure, consult Jiva Doctor immediately and get trusted treatment for your skin problem.